18 comments on “Challenger Comics Viewer v2.1.28

  1. BUG: When reading in landscape mode using “sensor orientation” option, the next comic / chapter autoloads in portrait mode, forcing the user to physically turn the phone to a portrait position and then back to landscape.

    It usually happens if you have the phone flat resting over the table. A solution could be an option to force landscape but only in the reader window. Moon+ reader does it this way, like other comic / ebook reader apps.


  2. In you touch the screen when the library is loading, it stops and forces you to close the app and try to load it again.

  3. Bonjour, Fantastique application ! j’ai testé pas mal de lecteurs de BD android et c’est de loin celle que je préfère ! Super bravo !
    Récemment, je me suis rendu compte de quelque chose d’étrange. Lorsque j’ouvre la même BD au format PDF (par rapport à CBR) si je zoome, l’image pixelise, produit un effet d’escalier dans les lignes alors que la résolution d’image est de plus de 2000×1600 (par exemple). Si,sous Windows avec Acrobat j’enregistre les images de ce même PDF dans un dossier et que je les compresse (sans rien changer aux images) avec Winrar au format CBR et que je l’ouvre sur ma tablette Android l’image est parfaite et je peux zoomer sans aucun problème. Je me demande si je dois faire cette manip avec tous mes PDF ou si il y a un paramètre que j’ai mal réglé dans Challenger. Si j’ouvre le PDF qui pose problème (en fait c’est pareil pour tous les PDF) avec Acrobat sous Android je n’ai pas ce souci, je peux zoomer à fond. Domage je préfère tellement votre super Appli !
    Bonne journée.

    • Bonjour,
      Pour améliorer la résolution des images affichées (y compris pour les PDF), vous pouvez utiliser l’option “Résolution de l’image” (dans Options, Performance).
      Choisir une valeur plus haute avec cette option permettra d’améliorer la qualité de l’image, particulièrement lors d’un zoom.
      Est ce que cela correspond à votre question ?
      Bonne journée.

  4. I’d like to be able to select a single image in double pages to use as cover.

    Usually, the front + back of a comic / manga will be scanned as a single image. Choosing the first (comic) or last (manga) half of the image would require to split it like in the reader.


    • Sorry but for now it’s not possible.
      As a workaround, you can manually put an image file (with the same name as the comics file) in the same folder of the comics file (for instance: a file batman.jpg if the comics file is Batman.cbr). And then remove the comics from library (long press on the cover and choose remove) and finally refresh the library.

  5. Bonjour,
    Merci de votre réponse, je viens de changer les paramètres dans performance et ça améliore nettement la qualité. Par contre ce que je ne m’explique pas, c’est que pour une image identique le problème ne se pose QUE pour les pdf et que l’affichage en cbr est nettement meilleur !
    Bonne journée

  6. Hi challenger,
    Is there currently any way to sync read status and page left off on between devices?
    Can this be included as part of the import and export through google drive?


      • Thanks for the quick reply I have been trying it with google drive and it won’t sync read status or page status between devices but it is working when exporting and importing to a file and manually moving the file between device. Any ideas? Think it could be a google drive issue?

      • The Export/Import actions (to Google drive or to file) are almost the same (data are the same, only target differs).
        Can you confirm there was no error when you exported library data and when you imported it ?

      • Hi challenger,
        I can see the file getting written to Google drive no problem and it looks like the file is downloading from drive without issue also. The problem looks like it is not processing correctly once downloaded. I am not seeing any errors but when it imports from file the loading bar take a bit to process everything. But when importing on drive it goes to fast and doesn’t seem to process anything. Any logs I can look at specifically for errors?

  7. I can not get this app to work with OneDrive since about a week ago. During that time there was an update to the OneDrive app, maybe OneDrive made some changes that broke Challenger Comics Viewers ability to connect.

    Whenever I try to open a comic I get a error message telling me the book is not available. I can not open or add anything to the library, it just says “No Data”. I have tried re-installing with same result. Installing on another Android device also gives me the same result. It doesnt seem to be able to connect to OneDrive any more.

    OneDrive is still working. I can connect without problems (with the OneDrive app or through the web) and the comics are still there.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

  8. I just want to thank you for the app, it is really amazing and the best reader I ever found! Thanks a lot!

  9. Theres a bug; I cant seem to add a mega folder onto the app, it keeps on showing an error message saying « expired ». I have most of my comics on mega.nz and i would really appreciate if this cohld be fixed

  10. not sure if this is a bug or not, But since the new update I can’t Seem to get the app to Boot up at all. It will start and then seems to close itself. I’ve tried uninstalling, then reinstalling, and the issue remains. Outside of this, I’ve never had an issue with your program. Thank you for such a great viewer.

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